Broadcasting On 90.7Mhz

"Unifying Voices, Igniting Change: Hamisha Bahar Radio – Where Community Speaks, Ideas Flourish, and Progress Takes Flight. Join us in shaping a brighter future together."

Hamisha Bahar FM is a prominent independent radio station situated in the significant eastern province of Nangarhar, Afghanistan. Strategically located in the heart of Jalal Abad City, it covers the tribal area of Pakistan and encompasses 20 districts of Nangarhar province, making it a key broadcasting outlet in the region. Under the ownership and guidance of Mr. Aimal Ziyarmal, Hamisha Bahar FM has established itself as a leading force with a strong operating model, rich programming, and a steadfast commitment to community partnerships.

At Hamisha Bahar FM, our primary mission is to inform, educate, entertain, and inspire the diverse communities we serve. We proudly represent "the voice of the community" and strive to provide a comprehensive spectrum of programming that reflects and stimulates listeners of all ages and cultures. We understand the power of radio as a medium to connect people and bridge gaps, and as such, we are dedicated to promoting critical thinking and nurturing the flow of human creativity and resources. Our ultimate goal is to empower our audience to experience life to its fullest potential. With a firm belief in the rights enshrined in Afghanistan's Constitution, Hamisha Bahar FM actively pursues a developmental agenda, working towards the realization of these rights.

Radio serves as a lifeline of information in Afghanistan, reaching a wide audience that may have limited access to other forms of communication. In a country with low rates of literacy and limited availability of electricity, inexpensive battery-powered radio units hold the unparalleled ability to reach vast numbers of Afghans with educational programming, entertainment, and news. Operating on the frequency of 90.7MHz, Hamisha Bahar FM is committed to broadcasting 24 hours a day, ensuring that the community remains well-informed and engaged.

As the only independent voice in this ethnic and tribal area, advertising on Hamisha Bahar FM offers a unique opportunity to connect with the local populace. Our platform provides a powerful means to disseminate information and run impactful advertising campaigns that address the specific problems and needs of the community. By leveraging the reach and influence of Hamisha Bahar FM, advertisers can make a tangible impact and create awareness among the target audience. We take pride in facilitating effective communication and fostering mutually beneficial partnerships between businesses and the community.

Join us at Hamisha Bahar FM, where we combine our passion for broadcasting with our unwavering commitment to community service. We firmly believe in the power of radio to bring people together, uplift communities, and drive positive change. Through our engaging programming, thought-provoking content, and dedicated community initiatives, we aim to create a platform that serves as a catalyst for social progress and enlightenment. Together, let us make a difference and contribute to the empowerment and well-being of the people we are honored to serve.

About Us

shallow focus photography of audio mixer